Dana Du Design

Please find below my Design Portfolio with the latest and greatest work. By greatest I mean the most successful designs in challenges, social media, and of course, in sales.

Featured in Burda Easy printed Magazine

It is still July, but I know that Burda Easy Magazine out in August 2021 will feature a colorful watercolors pattern of mine. And that’s Wow!, because I’m a long term Burda fan and I have always been inspired by the amazing Fabrics they use for their DIY projects… So I really have to be proud they chose my design this time! You can already see it featured on the mainpage of Burda Style website and the article here: Minikleid in Batik.

Mainpage Burda Style

I found out about this thanks to Spoonflower DE, who is selling the featured fabric, and who made a beautiful description of the dress & pattern on Instagram:

“Be a rainbow in someone else’s clouds!
To sew this dress is already a beginning…”
Promo Spoonflower Dana Du Design

Find the Burda featured Fabric – Poly Crepe de Chine in my shop on Spoonflower here: Tie Dye neon watercolors Fabric.

Rainbow Fabric Dana Du Design

Do you see any clouds out there… ? 🙂


For all-time succesful designs please visit Best Sellers page, and learn more about my story on the About page and on my LinkedIn profile.

Feel free to Contact me for licensing existing textile patterns or for working together on bespoke commissioned designs.