Dana Du Design

Please find below my Design Portfolio with the latest and greatest work. By greatest I mean the most successful designs in challenges, social media, and of course, in sales.

Featured in printed HGTV magazine

I was over the moon and at the same time very proud when I found out that a design of mine was featured in the famous Home & Garden HGTV magazine, in September 2019.

Featured in HGTV

Home decor Throw Pillow

The featured design is my Bauhaus 100 years celebrating seamless pattern printed on fabric and used as a Throw Pillow cover. You can buy the Pillow here: Bauhaus Pillow →


For all-time succesful designs please visit Best Sellers page, and learn more about my story on the About page and on my LinkedIn profile.

Feel free to Contact me for licensing existing textile patterns or for working together on bespoke commissioned designs.